intangible cultural heritage

Zempern („cadge“)

area : Ostelbien
category : social practices
The “Zempern” is a tradition that is practiced every year for the carnival in the region. For this purpose, the members and friends at the both local carnival clubs from Beilrode and Rosenfeld original paneling and pull loudly through their sites to drive \"evil demons\" and the winter. This procedure is accompanied, at the very high value is placed on the collection of food and beverages, with music, spoof and folly. The children\'s facilities offer during the carnival, the Zempern. The smallest costumes march through the village and \"beg\" with songs and sweet and drinkable din for their Carnival celebrations.

The “Zampern” (also Zemper, or Zempern, “Heischegang” called) was originally an ancient tradition in many villages of the Sorbian Lusatia. The word comes from the Sorbian \"Heischen, request\" (camprowanje). The result is today\'s festival, which takes place annually before the carnival period, from pre-Christian beliefs, fertility spells, magic welcome and expulsion. The masking and dressing up, the noise and music and life with the beating rods (willow and birch rods) should drive away evil spirits, ghosts and demons.

Will also drive away the “Zampern” the winter, the spring is received. Funny fellows in colorful costumes and some creepy masks pull rattle through the villages, and trumpeting away the winter, knock on every door and beg for the villagers ingredients for the \"Zampern eating\" regionally as \"Kreschke\" called, which in part on the same day sometimes takes place the following weekend. This feast (the \"squandering\" of bacon, eggs and liquor) is partly in the village pubs, but also held in the village or residents in the village smithy.

While it used to, especially the youth village, which marched through the streets, become more and more adults are found within the “Zamper” societies. Even the costumes have changed over time. Dominated earlier disguises and masks, as
• The White Horse Rider
• the „Erbsstrohbär (peastrawbear)“ (a spring-embodying animal mask)
• the \'double person\', which is said, \"The dead carrying the living\" (a face mask on the front and back of the head)
• the stork as a symbol of the beginning of spring
• the bear as a symbol of the retreating winter
are here today to the imagination knows no bounds. Often even a matching on Halloween is not totally dismissed out of hand.

The requested approvals are bacon, onions and eggs, but also wine and hard liquor. Cash will also gladly taken. The recipient and enter the chapel (sometimes crude) serenade on musical instruments and harmonica, in some places on a devil\'s fiddle. After drink a glass together with the homeowner and a little dance with his wife, the company moves on to the next house. It is not uncommon at the village entrances passes for pedestrians and motorists issue that must be paid, of course.

Major carrier of intangible heritage in the region are the two clubs Carnival - the Rosenfeld Carnival Association (RCV) and the Beilroder Carnival Club (BKC), the - is the oldest carnival society in Saxony - founded in 1953. The “Zempern” found in two places on the Saturday before the wedding instead of foolishness. Limited to the RCV Zempern previously only on the location Rosenfeld, so it is now practiced in several districts. Also, the culture and heritage association Blumberg discovered the “Zempern” for themselves. And especially the youngsters enjoyed the carnival tradition. The kindergardens in Arzberg, Zwethau, Dautzschen and Beilrode “zempern” in the carnival with the motto: \"We are the “Zemper” people - and take all day.\"
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