intangible cultural heritage

Museums & archaeology

area : Steirisches Vulkanland
category : performing arts
Collections and historical sites document particular points in history and ancient cultures in the region Steirisches Vulkanland.
Our Region is rich in a breathtaking array of different treasures – be it in the natural or cultural arena, in our distinctive lifestyle culture or in our active and attractive regional economy. But one treasure remains relatively unknown: our Region is also rich with an incredible variety of museums. As colourful as Vulkanland in autumn, the region is home to over 45 museums and collections, large and small, public and private, to interest the visitor. Great love, great sensitivity and commitment have gone into collecting the exhibits and the museums established by different people, who sometimes even open up their own homes to their visitors – they fulfil their lifetimes’ ambitions with great hardships, at great financial and time cost, in order to provide their collector’s passion with a worthy setting.
This colourful landscape of museums (in terms of scope, qualities, presentation style, themes) today allows you to embark on a unique voyage of discovery. You can choose from village and heritage museums, Roman and crafts museums. Their themes further include bridge-building, bees, motorcycles, chainsaws, the household, agricultural machinery, local supply, hunting, country life, the fire brigade and viticulture. The range of themes and the diversity of their strong-charactered operators are the defining characteristics of the museums initiative in the Volcano Region, which has been led in exemplary fashion by Mr Heinz Kranzelbinder since 2002.
And with success, too – in 2007, the museums and collections in Vulkanland were recognised as the “best folk culture initiative in Styria”. For more details, take a look at
Besides the heritage and ethnographic museums, you will also find collections and sites in the Volcano Region with archaeological presentations, which since 2009 provide a further platform packed with rarities. Archaeological museums and find sites such as prehistoric settlements, Roman villas, burial mounds or hills, and other sites in which archeologically interesting or important finds have been found, so-called “lapidaria” such as ruins, settlement remains or Roman stones (
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